

Chickpeas (Its also known garbanzo beans) are best source of Fibre, Protein and copper and low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

Chickpeas (Chana) : Amount per 100 gms

Nutrition Facts of Chickpeas
Protein 18 g
Carbohydrates (Fibre 16 gm sugar 10 gm)60 g
Total Fat (including Saturated , Polyunsaturated, Monounsaturated)6 gm
Sodium25 mg
Potassium 870 mg
Other Vitamin (A, C, B-6, B-12), Iron, Calcium and Magnesium.

Here is the some benefits of chickpeas (Chana):

  1. Chickpease contains minerals like phosphorus and manganese which benefit in diseases like ringworm and itching and phosphorus increases the level of hemoglobin and removes extra salt from kidney.
  2. It is rich in iron, which helps to control anemia.
  3. It contains fiber and protein which help to control blood sugar level and it is very low in glycemic index.
  4. It contains Trilatophine and serotonin amino acids which are helpful for good sleep.
  5. It has lots of mineral, iron and protein to get body energy and antioxidants.
  6. Calcium is also found in chickpeas which makes our bones strong.
  7. Alpha linolenic acid and omega 3 fatty acids found in chickpeas which help to reduce cholesterol level and prevent heart attack.

It contains fiber and protein which help to control blood sugar level and it is very low in glycemic index.
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